Tuesday 29 May 2012

29th May 2012

... a new thing...

it's 29th May 2012, d day i developed this blog... d day i'm learning blogging and becoming a blogger... life moves on...  that's d reason i wanna learn something new, something modern... technologically... and that 'something' refers to... 'blog'!

'luvbakingcooking.blogspot.com'... is where i'd like to share things i enjoy most doing for my family... it started off as a hobby, meaning, when i have d time, then i'll do... however, it's becoming a daily routine, a weekly agenda... since my children experiencing life... growing... they started to learn consuming different kinds of cuisine... d sweetness of dessert attracts them most! 

... in yesteryears... i've been watching my mom cooks and bakes plenty of times... sometimes i had d chance to help out on simple tasks which made me felt so proud to announce to my dad, "kaklong yang tolong mak buat tu!" (big grinned) hehee... 

now... it's like me doing the same thing for my beloved family... baking and cooking... "mak, buatkan kek banyak2 ya! nanti boleh makan banyak2 ikut suka ya!", said my eldest son... there goes me going into d kitchen to start 'luvbakingcooking' time!!! 

have a pleasant day to all!... and happy bakingcooking!... 

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